… to the Backstage Blog
Why blue lights?
Ever wondered why Backstage lights are always blue? Here is the explanation! back to school I promise I won’t go too deep into physics but to understand the “blue-light-answer”, we need to check out a few basics, some of you (definitely me!) might have missed in school: Our eyes have several photoreceptors, which allow us […]
Why You Should Never Explode During Rehearsals
Sweat and Tears Working in the performing arts, we are used to operating under high pressure, coping with unforeseeable situations and often dealing with difficult people. This stress rises enormously from a relaxed first day to the hectic last minutes before opening a show. Additionally, we tend to suffer more from sleep deprivation, lack of […]
A standing ovation is not a standing ovation
Who doesn’t love a standing ovation? We all know this beautiful tradition to show our appreciation in the theatre. It is a special honor for all actors as well as the teams backstage: On exceptional occasions, guests rise from their seats to reinforce the applause. Typically, this happens at the end of a performance, in […]
What I Love Most About the Circus
Many of us have been to a big top before. We all remember the smell of popcorn, flashing lights and a slight mist of sawdust in the air. It is a world that certainly has an impact on us. And in a quiet moment, some of us have already dreamt about running away with the […]